We are grateful to the following key partners who are helping us to achieve our aims of bringing the history of Stow Maries Great War Aerodrome back to life, saving this amazing resource for present and future generations:





With some great support from the Essex Rivers Team, we are very proud to thank the LEADER and EAFRD team for funding our Rule Britannia Exhibition and the renovations to our Senior Non-commissioned officers building. The funding comes in part from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, and we're really grateful. BIG THANK YOU, guys!

Historic England

Historic England have granted hundreds of thousands of pounds to Stow Maries as part of their remit so save unique, important and rare building

s that play a significant role in our history. Without their support, we would be looking at piles of rubble! We owe them a huge debt of gratitude.

Essex Heritage Trust

Essex Heritage Trust have been a wonderful supporter of the site, granting funds for exhibitions and volunteering needs in 2016, 2017 and 2018.


WW1 Aviation Heritage Trust (WW1 AHT)

The vision of WW1 AHT is  to provide an enduring flying collection of World War I Allied and German aircraft based in the UK flying from heritage sites like Stow Maries Great War Aerodrome.  At present, the aircraft the trust handles include  a Be2e and an Albatross. They are both crafted exactly to their early 20th century designs andndash; no brakes, little steering on the ground, one magneto, Irish linen, and very limited control authority in the early models. 

Natural England

We work with Natural England to preserve and develop our ecology and wildlife. We are committed to  Entry and Higher level stewardship of the site and provision of food for migrating and indigenous bird populations. We take our responsibilities very seriously and are always looking for volunteers to help us achieve this.

The Computer Centre

We are very happy to work with Paul and the team from the Computer Centre who support our IT and infrastructure. The firm has a strong sense of customer service and a great understanding of our needs.


The Military Aviation Heritage Network 

 We are very proud to be a member of the MAHN. They are your one-stop portal to discover museum and heritage sites devoted to English aviation
Here you can find events, news and activities from members  andndash; organisations that care about aviation heritage, its conservation, display and sustainability.




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